Equipment for animal physiology research
Moscow, Zelenograd
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Rotarod+: rodent motor coordination test

Hardware-software complex Rotarod+ - measurement of motor activity of rodents
Hardware-software complex Rotarod+ in the disassembled state Drum for rats

The complex is designed for determination of motor-coordination disorders by the ability of small laboratory animals (rats and mice) to stay on the rotating drum.


  1. Detect
    • Movement disorders
    • Endurance
    • Motivational state
  2. Dosing the physical load

Based on abilities of small laboratory animals (rats and mice) to stay on the rotating drum. Motor deficit is measured by the holding time. The complex allows testing of up to 7 mice or 4 rats. Registration of holding on and falling down is performed by using infrared sensors.

The motivation's state is investigated by changing the quality of the motivational incentive:

Located under the moving drum an electric grid is used to make stimulation

Along with the ease of use of the system, a large number of variable parameters are provided that will satisfy the needs of researchers in the most diverse areas of normal and pathological physiology, pharmacology, kinesiology, neuroscience.


Linear dimensions (WxHxD) without a drum 470х310х450 mm
with a drum 470х410х450 mm
Materials plexiglass, aluminum, steel
Drum for rats 4 sections (3x70 и 1x90 mm)
inner diameter 70 mm
outer diameter 370 mm
for mice 7 sections (6x40 и 1x60 mm)
inner diameter 40 mm
outer diameter 370 mm
Rodent detection Automatic in the infrared range
(appearance and falling)
Motivational incentives Отсутствие
Electroskin irritation
Fear of heights
Fear of water
Connecting to a computer USB
Step of an electric grid 18 mm
The diameter of the rods of the electric grid 3 mm
Polarity switching on rods 10 Hz, 8 phases
Minimum duration of an electric pulse 50 ms
Maximum current strength of the electric grid 15 mA
Maximum voltage of the electric grid 100 V
Power supply 220 V
Height of fall
(if you have a special table)
800 mm
Computer requirements Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, Windows 10
Ubuntu Linux 12+
Warranty 1 year
Production Russia, LLC «Neurobotics»
  1. The following parameters are determined:
    • Determining the location of the animal in the drum section
    • Duration of staying of an animal on a drum
    • Passed way
    • The speed of rotation of the drum at the time of falling and landing of an animal
    • The nature of the motivational incentive (the lack/height/water environment/electroskin irritation with grid)
  2. The following options are possible to configure:
    • The speed of rotation of the drum can be changed in real time
    • It is possible to set the script of the rotation of the drum
    • Changing the nature of the motivational incentive (the lack/height/water environment/electroskin irritation with grid)
    • There is wide range of options for electrostimulation

The hardware-software complex is created according to safety requirements of the medical equipment:


Neurobotics Rotarod: Carrying out experiment with mice
ПCarrying out experiment with mice
Neurobotics Rotarod: Carrying out experiment with rats
Carrying out experiment with rats
Neurobotics Rotarod: Setting the script of rotation
Setting the script of rotation
Neurobotics Rotarod: Statistics
Neurobotics Rotarod: How the electric grid works
How the electric grid works

Specifications and prices

Standard equipment
Rotarod's main part, 1 dram (for rats or mice), electric grid
On request
Table with a hole for Rotarod (height 100 cm, on wheels) and a box for collecting of fallen animals On request

Resources and Downloads

Rotarod software (Windows version )
Rotarod software (Ubuntu version )

Manual Rotarod v2.2
